also walked along the sea wall path. It was
beautiful, with palm trees and a setting sun.
We felt like we were in some “dreamy” faraway, exotic place. Wait a minute . . . we are in a faraway place—Japan!
was also interesting to see the volcano from a different view.
weather was funny this week. It was sixty
degrees one day, and two days later forty degrees and snow flurries. Several days after that we had volcano “ash
and rain.” (Some call it Haiame. Hai is volcanic ash, and ame is rain). We couldn’t see out of the car windows because
of the muddy rain. We had to wipe them
off several times.
A panoramic view of the walkway.
The elders and the friends they already made on the ship before departing.
Leaving the dock.
The ferry passing in front of the volcano.
Looking back at Kagoshima City from the harbor.