volcano, Sakurajima, is such a big part of the tourism and the culture of this
Kagoshima area. It is always on people’s
minds as it looms so largely on the landscape from almost every angle. And we think about it each morning as we look
out our window to see which way the ash is blowing or just to see how the
sunlight and shadows will play on it, hour by hour during the day. One person told us recently that when she
sees it in the morning she is grateful for one more day of life. Images of the volcano seem to be everywhere
on logos for businesses, calling cards, billboards, and most things that are
products of this area. It appears in a
lot of artwork. We recently attended a
Japanese Washi Paper Art Exhibit, which was amazing, but we were struck by how
many of these beautiful pieces of delicate art had the volcano in them. (Washi paper is a very fine colored paper which is torn into very small fine pieces and pasted on to make the picture. Even the small leaf veins portrayed are individual threads of fine paper). As you look at it each day you can’t help but
think of the beauty and power of nature, and for us the awesome power of God’s
creations. We too are grateful for one
more day, to share God’s love for the people here.
A Stained Glass Piece of Art in the Shinkansen Train Station.
The entrance to one of the tunnels on the freeway into the city.
Japanese Washi Paper Art.
A view of the volcano from our church this past week.
I love the artwork of the volcano and that view from your church is amazing. Pretty crazy though that you have a volcano in your "backyard" however it's probably a good reminder on what to be grateful for and to live in the moment. :)